Teeth whitening

A picture of Teeth whitening services

About our Teeth whitening services

Say goodbye to dull, yellow teeth and hello to a brighter, more confident smile with our teeth whitening services. Our experienced dental team creates custom trays to fit your teeth perfectly, ensuring that the Boutique teeth whitening gels are distributed evenly and effectively.
And with our B1 shade guarantee, you can rest assured that your smile will be beautifully white and natural-looking. Don't let stained teeth hold you back any longer.

Treatment pricing

Teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Boutique (B1 Guarantee)


Our experts

Meet the team

Frequently asked questions

How do I schedule an appointment with Union Street Dental Practice?

Schedule your appointment effortlessly by reaching out to us via phone at 0161 620 4343, email at contact@unionstreetdentalpractice.co.uk, or by visiting our practice in person. We're committed to finding a time that fits your schedule.

What should I do if I experience a dental emergency?

If you have a dental emergency during our normal opening hours, please call us at 0161 620 4343 and we'll try to schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible. However, if your emergency happens outside of our regular business hours, including evenings and weekends, please contact NHS emergency helpline at 0333 332 3800.

Do I need to bring my dental records with me from my previous dentist?

When you become a patient at Union Street Dental Practice, we'll start fresh with your dental history. However, if you have recently undergone any dental treatment and believe the information is relevant, you're welcome to bring it with you or send it to us. We may also take digital x-rays of your teeth to assist in determining the best treatment plan for you.

How often should I schedule a dental checkup?

The frequency of dental checkups varies from person to person. As a general rule, we recommend that adult patients visit us twice a year, even if they believe their oral health is excellent. Regular visits allow us to professionally clean your teeth and maintain optimal oral health.

I'm anxious about visiting the dentist. Can Union Street Dental Practice help?

At Union Street Dental Practice, we understand that dental anxiety is common among patients. Whether you're nervous about a treatment or a routine checkup, we're here to provide you with the care you need to feel comfortable. We'll take the time to listen to your concerns, help you relax, and provide you with the best possible care. You can expect a calm, welcoming atmosphere and compassionate care from our team.

Interest free
finance available

We’re proud to offer Tabeo interest free finance payment plans for our dental services.

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